「YEBIS 3」がオンラインTCG「マジック・デュエルズ」に採用される
YEBIS 3 | |||
配信元 | シリコンスタジオ | 配信日 | 2015/08/18 |
アメリカ Wizards of the Coast 社の最新タイトル『MAGIC DUELS』に採用
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エンターテインメント業界向けにデジタルコンテンツ関連ビジネスを展開するシリコンスタジオ株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:寺田健彦)は、高度な光学的表現を可能にするポストエフェクトミドルウェア『YEBIS 3』が、Wizards of the Coast 社(本社:アメリカ、ワシントン州)が PlayStation 4、Xbox ONE、Windows(Steam)、App Store 向けに提供する新作タイトル『MAGIC DUELS(開発:Stainless Games)』に採用されたことをお知らせ致します。
■ 『MAGIC DUELS』における『YEBIS 3』を使ったポストエフェクトの例
※YEBIS ON(左)、OFF(右)比較
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- Wizards of the Coast 様より、下記のコメントを頂いております。
Implementing YEBIS has allowed us to improve the visuals throughout. Being able to carefully fine tune the post processing, gave our artists the ability to bring the UI and Gameplay to life.
Focusing the player on what was most important on each screen and adding extra visual interest to the card interactions and combat effects throughout the game.
Tom Darroch, Digital Art Director※参考訳
『YEBIS 3』を使用して『Magic Duels』のグラフィックが高いクオリティーの表現を実現しました。ポストエフェクトの細かな調整によって私達は UI やゲームプレイに息を吹き込むことが可能になりました。目を引くようなビジュアルやバトルエフェクトをゲーム全体に付加することで、プレイヤーは各スクリーンで何が重要なのか理解できるようになっています。
■『YEBIS 3』が採用された『MAGIC DUELS』について
販売元:Wizards of the Coast
開発元:Stainless Games
対応プラットフォーム:PlayStation 4、Xbox One、App Store、Windows(Steam)
発売日: 7 月 29 日(Steam)、7 月 31 日(Xbox One)、年末(PlayStation 4)、未定(iOS)
コピーライト:(C) 1995-2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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(C)2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic Duels, Magic, any expansion set name, their respective logos, the mana and tap symbols, characters' names and distinctive likenesses, artwork, the game's trade dress or “look and feel,” and the pentagon of colors are trademarks or copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights eserved.
(C)2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic Duels, Magic, any expansion set name, their respective logos, the mana and tap symbols, characters' names and distinctive likenesses, artwork, the game's trade dress or “look and feel,” and the pentagon of colors are trademarks or copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights eserved.
(C)2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic Duels, Magic, any expansion set name, their respective logos, the mana and tap symbols, characters' names and distinctive likenesses, artwork, the game's trade dress or “look and feel,” and the pentagon of colors are trademarks or copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights eserved.
(C)2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic Duels, Magic, any expansion set name, their respective logos, the mana and tap symbols, characters' names and distinctive likenesses, artwork, the game's trade dress or “look and feel,” and the pentagon of colors are trademarks or copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights eserved.