キツネが主役のアドベンチャーゲーム続編「Spirit of the North 2」発表。相棒のカラスと共に美しい古代文明の謎に迫る
本作は2020年に発売された「Sprit of the North」の続編だ。舞台はアイスランドの風景にインスパイアされ,北欧の伝承をベースとしたストーリーが展開する。プレイヤーはキツネとカラスを操作し,さまざまなパズルを解きながら,古代文明の謎に迫っていく。プラットフォームはPC / PS5 / Xbox Series X|Sとなるとのことだ。
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- 関連タイトル:
Spirit of the North 2
- 関連タイトル:
Spirit of the North 2
- 関連タイトル:
Spirit of the North 2
- この記事のURL:
- PC:Spirit of the North 2
- PC
- アドベンチャー
- Infuse Studio
- Merge Games
- 動物モノ
- 北米
- PS5:Spirit of the North 2
- PS5
- Xbox Series X|S:Spirit of the North 2
- Xbox Series X|S
- ニュース
- ムービー
- 編集部:S.K.Y

(C)Spirit of the North developed by Infuse Studio, published by Merge Games Ltd. (C)2023. Spirit of the North and Infuse Studio are trademarks or registered trademark of Infuse Studio. Merge is a trademark or registered trademark of Merge Games Ltd. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.
(C)Spirit of the North developed by Infuse Studio, published by Merge Games Ltd. (C)2023. Spirit of the North and Infuse Studio are trademarks or registered trademark of Infuse Studio. Merge is a trademark or registered trademark of Merge Games Ltd. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.
(C)Spirit of the North developed by Infuse Studio, published by Merge Games Ltd. (C)2023. Spirit of the North and Infuse Studio are trademarks or registered trademark of Infuse Studio. Merge is a trademark or registered trademark of Merge Games Ltd. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.