NFL Head Coach

EA STOREで「The Lord of the Rings: Conquest」予約受付開始
[2008/12/26 17:14]アメフトの世界を堪能できる「NFL Head Coach」の体験版を掲載
世界4大スポーツの一つ(とアメリカ人に言われる)アメリカンフットボール。そのコーチとなってチームを勝利に導くEA Sportsの最新作「NFL Head Coach」の体験版を,4GamerのサーバーにUpした。アクションゲームではなく,あくまで球団経営シミュレーションの本作。アメフトのルールを知らないとちょっと苦労しそうだが,このゲームを機会に覚えてしまうのも手だ。
[2006/06/15 22:49]EA,新作アメフトシム「NFL Head Coach」(仮題)を発表
[2005/10/18 12:55]Electronic Arts, EA, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS BIG, and POGO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. The mark "John Madden" and the name, likeness and other attributes of John Madden reproduced on this product are trademarks or other intellectual property of Red Bear, Inc. or John Madden, are subject to license to Electronic Arts Inc., and may not be otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Red Bear or John Madden. NFL Team names/logos are trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League. Officially licensed product of PLAYERS INC.