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砲弾の装填時間やクルーの充足度といった細かな戦闘ルールを備える,マップ上の草まで3Dオブジェクトとして描画,Vertex Shader,Pixcel Shaderを画面描画に活用し,すべてのオブジェクトの影をリアルタイムに描画するなど,随所に独特のこだわりを見せる本作。発売までは今しばらく間があるが,「こちら」にある公式サイトでの情報提供ともども,楽しみに待ちたい。(Guevarista)
(c) 2004 Monte Cristo Multimedia S.A. The Monte Cristo Multimedia logo is a trademark of Monte Cristo Multimedia. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed by Digital Reality. Orchestral samples included in this recording from the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Library.
- 関連タイトル:
D-DAY 〜ノルマンディー上陸作戦〜
- この記事のURL:
(C)2004 Monte Cristo. Monte Cristo and its logo are registered trademarks of Monte Cristo. All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed by Digital Reality. Orchestral samples included in this recording from the Vienna Symphonic Library