Corporate Salmon
Flop to the top of a fishy financial escalator in Corporate Salmon!
Employees must collect coins, avoid slippery staff, pick up power-ups and jump on profit lines, all while leaping from step to step!
For those who fall off and get fired, they can visit Suit Yourself and grab something a little more stylish to return to work with.
Can you become the boss of Fall Street?
The ads displayed in the game help me keep making games, but if you want them to go away, ads can be disabled for a small price. Thanks for your support!
駆け上がれ,鮭の出世道。iOS向けタップアクション「Corporate Salmon」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第1678回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,iOS向けカジュアルアクションゲーム「Corporate Salmon」を紹介しよう。“社畜”なる言葉で賑々しい昨今だが,そんなサラリーマンの道をひた走る人……ならぬ鮭が主役のタイトルだ。
[2018/03/30 10:00]動作スペック
(C)2015 Alexander Johansson