「Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality」のローンチトレイラー公開。長寿SFテレビドラマ“ドクター・フー”を題材にしたアドベンチャーゲーム
「Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality」公式サイト
2019年にリリースされたVRゲーム,「Doctor Who: The Edge of Time」を一人称視点のアドベンチャーとしてリメイクした本作は,多機能ツールソニック・ドライバーを手にした13代目ドクター・フー(声:ジョディー・ウィテカー)が,時空の裂け目によって現実が歪められたカオスバースに入り込み,謎を追うという物語が展開する。
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- 関連タイトル:
Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- 関連タイトル:
Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- 関連タイトル:
Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- 関連タイトル:
- この記事のURL:
- PC:Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- PC
- アドベンチャー
- Maze Theory
- SF
- パズル
- プレイ人数:1人
- 原作モノ
- PS5:Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- PS5
- Xbox Series X:Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- Xbox Series X
- IARC汎用レーティング 12歳以上
- PS4:ドクター・フー:真実の狭間
- PS4
- Xbox One:Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
- Xbox One
- Nintendo Switch:ドクター・フー:真実の狭間
- Nintendo Switch
- ニュース
- ムービー
- ライター:奥谷海人

BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios.
BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios.
BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios.
BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios. (C)2021 Beep Company / Beep Japan
BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios.
BBC, DOCTOR WHO, TARDIS, DALEK and CYBERMAN (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo (C)BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo (C)BBC 2018. Thirteenth Doctor images (C)BBC Studios 2018. Dalek image (C)BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image (C)BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Licensed by BBC Studios. (C)2021 Beep Company / Beep Japan (C)2021 Beep Company / Beep Japan