Focus Home Entertainmentが新ブランド「Focus Entertainment」に統一したパブリッシング事業展開をアナウンス
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Focus Home Entertainment公式サイトのニューストピックス
1996年に創設されたFocus Home Entertainmentは,最近では「Hood: Outlaws & Legends」(PC / PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X / Xbox One)や「A Plague Tale: Innocence」(PC / PS4 / Xbox One / PS5 / Xbox Series X),「SnowRunner」(PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)などの作品でお馴染みのパブリッシャだ。
2017年に掲載している「奥谷海人のAccess Accepted第527回:Focus Home Interactiveとはどんなパブリッシャなのか? 同社の20年の歴史を支えてきたCEOにインタビュー」では,設立者であり当時のCEOでもあったセドリック・ラギャリック(Cédric Lagarrigue)氏へのインタビューでも触れられているが,早くからデジタル販売で収益性を高め,2015年に株式公開して以降は大きく成長を果たしている。
しかし,2018年のラギャリック氏の退社と時を合わせるかのように,「Pro Cycling Manager」や「Blood Bowl」シリーズなどで知られるCyanide Studioや,「Styx」シリーズや「Greedfall」のSpidersといった,それまで長らく協力関係にあった地元フランスのデベロッパが次々とNaconに買収されたのに続き,最近では「Farming Simulator」で知られるGIANT Softwareが自社出版に踏み切るなど,その先行きは不安視されていた。
そんな経緯もあってか,2020年からはようやく「The Surge」シリーズのDeck 13 Interactive,「Necromunda: Hired Gun」(PC / PS5 / Xbox Series X / PS4 / Xbox One)のStreum On Studio,そして「Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge」(PC / Nintendo Switch)を開発中のDotEmuなどを傘下にするといった,より踏み込んだパブリッシングビジネスに方向転換し始めている。今回の「Focus Entertainment」へのブランド化も,そうした新体制を明確にするためであると思われる。
もちろん,8月末にリリースされたばかりのCold Iron Studiosによる「Aliens: Fireteam Elite」(PC / Xbox Series X / Xbox One / PS5 / PS4)に加え,Saber Interactiveの「World War Z: Aftermath」(PC / PS5 / Xbox Series X / PS4 / Xbox One)や,New World Interactiveの「Insurgency: Sandstorm」(PC / Mac / PS4 / Xbox One)のコンシューマ機版が今月中にも正式ローンチを迎える予定で,AAからAAAパブリッシャへの脱却を図りながら,今後もより多くのゲーマーにそのブランド名が認知されていくことになるはずだ。
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Focus Home Entertainmentの公式サイト
- 関連タイトル:
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- 関連タイトル:
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- 関連タイトル:
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- 関連タイトル:
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- 関連タイトル:
Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- 関連タイトル:
A Plague Tale: Innocence
- 関連タイトル:
プレイグ テイル -イノセンス-
- 関連タイトル:
A Plague Tale: Innocence
- 関連タイトル:
プレイグ テイル -イノセンス
- 関連タイトル:
A Plague Tale: Innocence
- 関連タイトル:
A Plague Tale: Innocence
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
Necromunda: Hired Gun
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
Necromunda: Hired Gun
- 関連タイトル:
- 関連タイトル:
Necromunda: Hired Gun
- 関連タイトル:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
- 関連タイトル:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
- 関連タイトル:
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- 関連タイトル:
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- 関連タイトル:
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- 関連タイトル:
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- 関連タイトル:
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- 関連タイトル:
World War Z: Aftermath
- 関連タイトル:
World War Z: Aftermath
- 関連タイトル:
World War Z: Aftermath
- 関連タイトル:
World War Z: Aftermath
- 関連タイトル:
World War Z: Aftermath
- 関連タイトル:
Insurgency: Sandstorm
- 関連タイトル:
Insurgency: Sandstorm
- 関連タイトル:
インサージェンシー: サンドストーム
- 関連タイトル:
Insurgency: Sandstorm
- この記事のURL:
- PC
- PC:Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- アクション
- Focus Entertainment
- Sumo Digital
- クライム
- ファンタジー
- PS5:Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- Xbox Series X:Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- PS4:Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- Xbox One:Hood: Outlaws & Legends
- PC:A Plague Tale: Innocence
- PS4:プレイグ テイル -イノセンス-
- Xbox One:A Plague Tale: Innocence
- PS5:プレイグ テイル -イノセンス
- Xbox Series X:A Plague Tale: Innocence
- Nintendo Switch:A Plague Tale: Innocence
- PC:SnowRunner
- Xbox One:SnowRunner
- PS4:SnowRunner
- Nintendo Switch:SnowRunner
- PC:Necromunda: Hired Gun
- PS5:ネクロムンダ:ハイヤードガン
- Xbox Series X:Necromunda: Hired Gun
- PS4:ネクロムンダ:ハイヤードガン
- Xbox One:Necromunda: Hired Gun
- PC:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
- Nintendo Switch:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
- Nintendo Switch
- PC:Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- Xbox Series X:Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- Xbox One:Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- PS5:Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- PS4:Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- PC:World War Z: Aftermath
- PS5:World War Z: Aftermath
- PS5
- Xbox Series X:World War Z: Aftermath
- Xbox Series X
- PS4:WORLD WAR Z: Aftermath
- Xbox One:World War Z: Aftermath
- PC:Insurgency: Sandstorm
- MAC:Insurgency: Sandstorm
- PS4:Insurgency: Sandstorm
- PS4
- Xbox One:Insurgency: Sandstorm
- Xbox One
- ニュース
- ライター:奥谷海人
- 業界動向

(C)2021 Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. Hood: Outlaws & Legends and its logos are Focus Home Interactive’s trademarks. All rights reserved.
(C)2022 Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. Hood: Outlaws & Legends and its logos are Focus Home Interactive’s trademarks. All rights reserved.
Licensed to and published in Japan by Oizumi Amuzio Inc.
(C)2021 Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. Hood: Outlaws & Legends and its logos are Focus Home Interactive’s trademarks. All rights reserved.
(C)2022 Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. Hood: Outlaws & Legends and its logos are Focus Home Interactive’s trademarks. All rights reserved.
Licensed to and published in Japan by Oizumi Amuzio Inc.
(C)2021 Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. Hood: Outlaws & Legends and its logos are Focus Home Interactive’s trademarks. All rights reserved.
(C)2017 Focus Home Interactive - All rights reserved. Administration and design by Focus Home Interactive
(C)2019 Asobo Studio and Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence is developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. The game and technology are the property of Asobo Studio. All rights reserved. Licensed to and published in Japan by Oizumi Amuzio Inc.
(C)2017 Focus Home Interactive - All rights reserved. Administration and design by Focus Home Interactive
(C)2019 Asobo Studio and Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence is developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Home Interactive. A Plague Tale: Innocence and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. The game and technology are the property of Asobo Studio. All rights reserved. Licensed to and published in Japan by Oizumi Amuzio Inc.
(C)2022 SnowRunner. Developed by Saber Interactive and published by Focus Entertainment. SnowRunner is a trademark of Saber Interactive Inc. Havok software is(C)2022 Microsoft. Hummer H2, Chevrolet, GMC are trademarks of General Motors LLC. Freightliner 114SD, Freightliner M916A1, White-Western Sat 4964 and Western Star 6900 TwinSteer are trademarks of Daimler Trucks North America LLC. Ford CLT-9000 is a registered trademark of Ford. International Loadstar 1700 Crew Cab, International Harvester Scout 800, International Transtar 4070, International Paystar 5070, International FleetStar F-2070A and Navistar 5000-MV are trademarks of International Truck Intellectual Property Company, LLC. Pacific P16, Pacific P12 and Pacific P12/Roughneck are trademarks of Pacific Truck Mfg Inc.(C)2021 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow," the "Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. / Focus Entertainment is a licensee of Caterpillar Inc. Licensed to and published in Japan by Oizumi Amuzio Inc. All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used by Focus Entertainment under license. All rights reserved.
(C)2021 SnowRunner. Developed by Saber Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. SnowRunner is a trademark of Saber Interactive Inc. Havok software is (C) 2021 Microsoft. Hummer H2, Chevrolet, GMC are trademarks of General Motors LLC. Freightliner 114SD, Freightliner M916A1, White-Western Sat 4964 and Western Star 6900 TwinSteer are trademarks of Daimler Trucks North America LLC. Ford CLT-9000 is a registered trademark of Ford. International(R) Loadstar 1700 Crew Cab, International Harvester Scout 800, International(R) Transtar 4070, International(R) Paystar 5070, International(R) FleetStar F-2070A and Navistar 5000-MV are trademarks of International Truck Intellectual Property Company, LLC. Pacific P16, Pacific P12 and Pacific P12/Roughneck are trademarks of Pacific Truck Mfg Inc. (C)2021 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow," the "Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. / Focus Home Interactive is a licensee of Caterpillar Inc. All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used by Focus Home Interactive under license. All rights reserved.
Necromunda: Hired Gun(C)Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Necromunda: Hired Gun, the Necromunda: Hired Gun logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either(R)or TM, and/or(C)Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Focus, Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Streum On Studio and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Streum On Studio. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Necromunda: Hired Gun(C)Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Necromunda: Hired Gun, the Necromunda: Hired Gun logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either(R)or TM, and/or(C)Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Focus, Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Streum On Studio and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Streum On Studio. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Necromunda: Hired Gun(C)Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Necromunda: Hired Gun, the Necromunda: Hired Gun logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either(R)or TM, and/or(C)Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Focus, Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Streum On Studio and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Streum On Studio. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Necromunda: Hired Gun(C)Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Necromunda: Hired Gun, the Necromunda: Hired Gun logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either(R)or TM, and/or(C)Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Focus, Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Streum On Studio and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Streum On Studio. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Necromunda: Hired Gun(C)Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Necromunda: Hired Gun, the Necromunda: Hired Gun logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either(R)or TM, and/or(C)Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Focus, Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Streum On Studio and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Streum On Studio. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
(C)2021 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. (C)2021 Dotemu, All rights reserved. Game developed by Tribute Games.
(C)2021 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. (C)2021 Dotemu, All rights reserved. Game developed by Tribute Games.
(C)2021 20th Century Studios. (C)2021 COLD IRON STUDIOS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(C)2021 20th Century Studios. (C)2021 COLD IRON STUDIOS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(C)2021 20th Century Studios. (C)2021 COLD IRON STUDIOS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(C)2021 20th Century Studios. (C)2021 COLD IRON STUDIOS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(C)2021 20th Century Studios. (C)2021 COLD IRON STUDIOS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
World War Z(C)2021. Developed and Published by Saber Interactive. Uses Bink Video. Copyright(C)1997-2021 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Havok software is(C)2021 Microsoft. TM &(C)2021 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
World War Z(C)2021. Developed and Published by Saber Interactive. Uses Bink Video. Copyright(C)1997-2021 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Havok software is(C)2021 Microsoft. TM &(C)2021 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
World War Z(C)2021. Developed and Published by Saber Interactive. Uses Bink Video. Copyright(C)1997-2021 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Havok software is(C)2021 Microsoft. TM &(C)2021 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
World War Z (C)2021. Published by Saber Interactive Inc. Developed by Saber Interactive Inc. Uses Bink Video. Copyright (C)1997-2021 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Havok software is (C)2021 Microsoft. TM & (C)2021 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.
World War Z(C)2021. Developed and Published by Saber Interactive. Uses Bink Video. Copyright(C)1997-2021 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Havok software is(C)2021 Microsoft. TM &(C)2021 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
(C)2018 New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm is developed by New World Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of New World Interactive. All other trademarks or registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2018 New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm is developed by New World Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of New World Interactive. All other trademarks or registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2018 New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm is developed by New World Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of New World Interactive. All other trademarks or registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2018 New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm is developed by New World Interactive and published by Focus Home Interactive. Insurgency: Sandstorm and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of New World Interactive. All other trademarks or registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.