Mister Mukla “It's no secret that King Mukla has had some issues with anger management in the past. He has found a way to escape from that anger: music! The infamous denizen of Stranglethorn has put down the kidnapped tauren princess and picked up a guitar to share his music with the world. If you go to his show, you'll be sure to snag an autographed Banana or two.”
Stranglethorn Heart “The beasts of Stranglethorn aren't innately ferocious. They're more misunderstood than anything else! Mister Mukla's famous song 'Stranglethorn Heart' shows the calm side of the jungle and highlights just how beautiful the jungle can really be. Once this song starts playing, you ironically might feel the ground shake as Beasts from all over the festival rush over to enjoy the tune.”
Banjosaur “Everyone from all over Azeroth is invited to the Festival of Legends, even the dinosaurs from the nearby Un'goro Crater! ...What? You don't think it's safe for a giant T-Rex to be at a music festival? Listen, Banjosaur's talent can not be understated, and despite how he struggles to even just reach his instrument, the other Beasts at the festival follow him in droves!”
Big Dreams “Every musician dreams of playing up on the big stage. Being able to share your story through music in front of an audience of thousands... there really is no feeling quite like it. But for local Hunters, playing your music with the animal companions closest to you is a dream that's already come true.”